Mongolia respects Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin more than international law. The country shows more respect for war than peace.
This is reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing a statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with NBC News.
“If Mongolia does not respect international law, then they accept Putin. And they have implemented the Rome Statute, as far as I know. And it should work for them. And I think this is Mongolia's answer to international law, whether they respect it or not. No, they don't. They respect Putin more than they respect international law,” he said.
According to the president, Mongolia today shows more respect for the murderer than for international law, for war than for peace.
“But this does not mean that if several countries do not respect international law, there will be no responsibility for this or that person. Because most countries will still expect accountability and it will happen,” Zelensky assured.-
Author - Olena Madiak, 05/09/2024