Sky Over Ukraine was created by a group of IT professionals and is registered at the LCC News Agency "Sky Over Ukraine"(ТОВ "Інформаційна агенція "Скай Овер Юкрейн"), tax number 44687249, registration number 1010351020000000010. News agency license issued by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine KB 898-720P 



The primary purpose of our portal is to inform the world community about the latest news in Ukraine, provide information only from official and verified sources, and provide the easiest ways to help Ukraine and Ukrainians from all over the world. Funding is made by our personal donations and work is done on a volunteer basis. We didn't accept any external donations or funding!

Our team includes two journalists, one photographer, two designers/UI specialists, a product manager, and a marketing specialist. The creator and managing director are Denys Kolomiiets.

Our editorial board 

Our editorial code 

Contact info

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