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👨‍💻👩🏽‍💻 ІТ-army of Ukraine

IT-army is the main initiative of the Ministry of Digital Development of Ukraine. They themselves act as coordinators of the process.

Who can help?

Anyone who has access to the Internet and a willingness to resist the aggressor in cyberspace.

ІТ-army Details
  • What to do?

    Bring down sites of enemy departments, media, propagandists, and make resistance in the information field. For example, they recently blocked propaganda sites https://tvzvezda.ru, https://sputniknews.com. In addition, the IT army coordinates the task of conveying blunt truths about the war in Ukraine to the international community.

  • How to join?

    Join the telegram channel: https://t.me/itarmyofukraine2022. Admins tell what to do hourly.

You can join our Cyber team! Start blocking Russian infrastructure. It will help move the focus from WAR to the internal problem and stop Putin:

👨‍💻👩🏽‍💻 ІТ-army of Ukraine

Average and proficient computer users. All the instructions are provided by the website.
🗨️ #WeAreUkraine
Repository of the truth about the war and the power of Ukraine - #WeAreUkraine. The goal is to give understanding to people all over the world: today the future of humanity is being decided in Ukraine.

Who can help?

Anyone who has access to social media.

#WeAreUkraine Details
  • What to do?

    Using the information from the curated resources, spread it on the social media to help raise awareness about the war in Ukraine.

    The #WeAreUkraine repository contains key facts of the Russian-Ukrainian war, world support for Ukraine, opinions of Ukrainian and international opinion leaders, views on Ukrainian viability, economy, culture, history and current calls for action with reference only to verified sources of information. The project is conducted in English. The portal uses information from official state web resources, information sources, the ukraine.ua website, the Ukrainian Institute, the Ukraine WOW exhibition, the 30ua.info project, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, etc. Read more about the initiative here.

  • How to join?

    Visit the website for the initiative and distribute content on your social media pages https://www.weareukraine.info/

Who can help?

People with some technical expertise in web or network technologies.

During March we are mining Ethereum directly to Ukraine's donation wallet . You just need a computer with a graphics card to start #miningforukraine.

Who can help?

Calling for every gamer, every designer, every man with a PC and a graphics card. This will only cost you a few additional cents of electricity, while donating thousands per day with our combined hashrate.

How to join?

Group of cultural heritage professionals – librarians, archivists, researchers, programmers – working together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack. We are using a combination of technologies to crawl and archive sites and content, including the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, the Browsertrix crawler and the ArchiveWeb.page browser extension and app of the Webrecorder project.

How to join?

All instructions here: https://www.sucho.org/

📝 Translate:

Join translators without borders
Offer help on Help People Leave Ukraine
(Click “offer help”, register and fill in details)
Join a Telegram channel which helps with translations to Ukrainian refugees:
Join tarjim.ly — an app, matching translators and refugees.

🚗 Transport people from borders:

(Click “offer help”, register and fill in details)

👨‍⚕️👩🏽‍⚕️ Provide medical help

Сome to Ukraine to help Ukrainian hospitals provide assistance to victims - join the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Join the network of Ukrainian and Russian speaking clinicians on pro bono basis for refugees coming from Ukraine to different countries worldwide.

Have an idea of initiative how to help Ukraine?

Share it with other people and bring it to life!