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Congressional leaders have found a solution to delay the shutdown

Feb 29, 2024

Leaders of the US Congress during discussions reached an agreement on several bills as part of the budget resolution, which will allow moving the terms of the partial shutdown of several ministries.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine regarding Politico.

According to the publication, leading members of Congress have reached a temporary agreement on bills that relate, in particular, to the funding of the Food and Drug Administration, as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

At the same time, the congressmen agreed to postpone the shutdown of the Pentagon and the ministries of internal security, labor, health care, and education until March 22. The Senate and House of Representatives have just two days to pass temporary resolutions or face a partial government shutdown on March 2.

We will remind that the shutdown in the USA occurs if Congress does not have time to approve, and the president approves the funding of the work of federal authorities with his signature.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 29/02/2024

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