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Latvia may mine the border with Russia and Belarus

Feb 29, 2024

Latvia wants to block possible ways of penetrating enemy troops on the border with Belarus and Russia.


This was stated by the commander of the Zemessardze (part of the Armed Forces - ed.) Kaspars Pudans, reports RBC-Ukraine regarding Delfi.

Pudans, speaking about the strengthening of the external border of Latvia, said that, in addition to additional measures to protect the border, the existing infrastructure will be used.

Work will also be carried out to block the ways of penetration into Latvia by enemy troops. We are talking about abandoned roads, bridges, and railways.

"The goal is to reduce the number of corridors along the border with Belarus and Russia with which they could carry out their attack. This, of course, is a comprehensive measure, including the use of both explosive and non-explosive obstacles. These are intelligence measures, and measures for the use of fire, possibly misleading measures, "Pudans explained.

Commander Zemessardze did not go into details about how exactly obstacles will be created on abandoned roads, bridges, and railways, but stressed that such plans are already in development.

Pudans noted that if necessary, minefields would be created along the border. Work is underway to understand exactly where to place these minefields.

"However, this is precisely about anti-tank mines, since the goal is to prevent enemy military equipment from entering Latvia. These mines can be activated remotely, "he said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 01/03/2024

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