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Moldova plans to expand its diplomatic mission in the United States

Jul 23, 2024

Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popschiu has announced his intention to expand the country's diplomatic representation abroad in the next few years.

He said this during a hearing at the Moldovan Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration, Radio Moldova reports.


According to Popscea, in 2025-2027, Moldova will open new embassies in Egypt and Kazakhstan, as well as additional consulates in the United States, Germany, and Canada.

“Expanding our diplomatic presence is an imperative, because only by increasing our diplomatic presence can we achieve better protection of our country's national, political, economic, and security interests,” he explained.

The Moldovan foreign minister also announced that the institution wants to digitize consular services both by creating an integrated information system called “e-consulate” and by launching a centralized system for registering for consular services.

Author - Olena Madiak, 23/07/2024

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