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Relatives of Mariupol prisoners meet with Turkish Presidential Advisor

Jul 23, 2024

Representatives of the families of Mariupol's prisoners of war met with the Chief Advisor to the President of Turkey. The meeting focused on the unsatisfactory conditions of detention of prisoners of war by Russia and their return home, which do not comply with international law.

This was reported by an Ukrinform correspondent.

“Turkey wants the war to end as soon as possible. We want this war, which has negative consequences for both countries, the region and the world, and which began with Russia's illegal occupation and annexation of Ukraine's territories, to end as soon as possible with a sustainable, just and fair peace that will ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” said Chief Advisor to the President of Turkey Yalcin Topçu.

According to him, Turkey is using every opportunity to raise the issue of the detention and release of Ukrainian military and Crimean Tatar political prisoners from Russian captivity.

“Turkey continues to provide humanitarian support to the Ukrainian people and our Crimean Tatar compatriots who have become victims of the war, believing that the occupation and annexation of territories, including Crimea, and the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity are illegitimate. We clearly and sincerely express this at all international platforms,” said Yalcin Topçu.

The mother, wife and son of the Mariupol garrison prisoners of war spoke about Russia's constant violation of international law regarding the detention of prisoners of war.

“We are appealing to you for support in organizing humanitarian aid. We have no contact with our relatives at all. The Russian Federation does not allow any possibility to send parcels, make phone calls, or send letters. That is, the guys are completely closed. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross does not have access to them. We will be very grateful for your help in resolving this issue,” said Larysa Slayeva, wife of prisoner of war Oleksandr Tsarev, an Azov soldier, two-time Ukrainian and European champion, international boxing coach and judge.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 23/07/2024

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