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Russian vessels suddenly appeared in the North Sea

May 4, 2023

The Norwegian Defense Force has confirmed the presence of several Russian vessels in the international waters of the North Sea and expects Russian activity in the area to increase in the next two months.

The Norwegian Defense Forces reported this in a commentary to Nettavisen.

"Russian warships are carrying out activities related to Victory Day on May 9. Several vessels are currently operating in the North Sea, and this activity is greater than it has been in recent years," the commentary says.


The Norwegian military emphasizes that Russian vessels are in international waters and their activities are not illegal and assure that they are tracking Russian ships.

"May and June are a busy period of training for our and allied defense forces. Therefore, we are in a period when the significant activity of allies - and Russia - at sea near us is expected," the Defense Forces added.

A military analyst who uses the pseudonym HI Sutton was the first to report five ships leaving Russian ports in the Baltic Sea. He also named unexpected exercises as the most likely reason for the maneuver.

Author - Olena Madiak, 04/05/2023

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