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Zelenskyy offers Polish authorities a meeting on the border

Feb 21, 2024

On February 21, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Poland and the European Commission in connection with the blocking of checkpoints on the common border by Polish farmers.

This was reported by Yevropeiska Pravda.

In an address published on social media in Ukrainian and Polish, the President said that he had instructed the government to "be on the border" between Ukraine and Poland "in the near future, by February 24". Zelenskyy clarified that the entire Ukrainian government, including the prime minister and defense minister, would be present.


"And I ask you, Donald, Mr. Prime Minister, to come to the border as well. And Andrzej, Mr. President, I ask you to support this dialog. This is national security. We must not delay this. The coming days give us a chance to do this," he added.

Zelenskyy also expressed his readiness to personally attend the meeting with the Ukrainian government.

"And I want to appeal now to the European Commission: we need to preserve unity in Europe. This is a fundamental interest of the European Union. Therefore, Ukraine is appealing to the European Commission to have a representative of the European Commission take part in this meeting," the president said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 21/02/2024

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