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Putin's German “friend” wants to talk to him and blames the US for all

Oct 3, 2024

The leader of the German far-right party BSW, Sarah Wagenknecht, has called for negotiations with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and called American politicians “war criminals.”

The “friend of Putin” said this at the “Never Again War” (Nie wieder Krieg) rally in Berlin on Thursday, October 3, Yevropeiska Pravda reports citing Zeit.


Wagenknecht began by calling German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock - who recently criticized the pro-Russian views of the head of the BSW - a threat to German security because she allegedly wants to “drag” the Germans into a war.

The “Putin's friend” also criticized the alleged “double standards” of Western politicians who call the Kremlin's master a war criminal.

“If Putin is a criminal, what about all the American politicians who have been responsible for many wars in recent years? I am very annoyed when we are always told about high morality and that we should not talk to Putin for moral reasons,” she added.

The far-right politician also accused the German government of blindly following what someone in Washington says.

“We are once again facing the prospect of American intermediate-range missiles being deployed in Germany. My God, this is insane. We should not go any further in this direction. What's happening is damn dangerous,” Wagenknecht said.

Finally, she suggested forming a “war-mongering battalion” of German politicians to fight in Ukraine - among others, she mentioned the representative of the Free Democratic Party, MEP Marie-Agnes Straka-Zimmermann, known for her pro-Ukrainian stance.

Author - Olena Madiak, 03/10/2024

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