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The White House is afraid to impose new sanctions on Russia

Jul 7, 2024

The United States fears new sanctions against Russia for using oil tankers to circumvent Western restrictions. The White House believes that this could lead to an increase in oil prices and harm Biden's election campaign.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to The New York Times.

According to the newspaper, the US Treasury has proposed new measures to harm the fleet of outdated oil tankers that help deliver Russian oil to buyers around the world in spite of Western sanctions.

Thus, the department's efforts are aimed at punishing Russia, but they have reached a dead end due to the White House's concerns.

"While officials at the Treasury want to put Russian tankers out of commission, economic advisers at the White House are concerned that it would risk higher oil prices this summer and higher gasoline prices in the United States, which could hurt Biden's election campaign. ", the article emphasizes.

Sources of the publication said that according to the analytical data of the Treasury, such anti-Russian sanctions will have a minimal impact on the oil market. However, the proposed initiative is still under consideration and is unlikely to be adopted before the election.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 08/07/2024

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