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EU imposes sanctions on six Russian hackers

Jun 24, 2024

The Council of the European Union has approved additional restrictive measures against six Russian hackers involved in cyberattacks against the EU and Ukraine.

This is stated in a statement by the EU Council.

"For the first time, restrictive measures are being taken against cybercriminals who use ransomware campaigns against vital services such as healthcare and banking," the EU added.

The new lists include two members of the Callisto Group, Ruslan Peretyatko and Andriy Korinets.


"The Callisto Group is a group of Russian military intelligence officers who conduct cyber operations against EU member states and third countries through sustained phishing campaigns aimed at stealing sensitive data related to critical government functions, including defense and foreign relations.

The sanctions were also imposed on Alexander Sklyanko and Nikolai Chernykh of the Armageddon hacker group, which is supervised by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). This group has carried out various cyberattacks on the governments of EU member states and Ukraine, including through phishing emails and malware, Brussels emphasized.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/06/2024

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