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Is Ukraine succeeding in weakening Russia's position in UNESCO?

May 28, 2024

Ukraine continues to work to weaken the position of the aggressor state, Russia, in UNESCO. This was stated by Olga Gerasymiuk, Head of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting and Head of the National Committee of Ukraine for the UNESCO Information for All Program, on the air of We-Ukraine.

“Russia remains a member of the United Nations, so UNESCO is a part of the UN, as you know. But I want to say that last year, its position in UNESCO weakened significantly. They managed to push Russians out of UNESCO's governing bodies, meaning they were not elected. This means that despite the fact that among the more than a hundred countries that are members of UNESCO, and among them, of course, are their partners, those who support them, there were no votes to elect Russia back to the governing bodies. It is suffering great losses now morally because Ukrainians, Ukraine, have become very active in the corridors of UNESCO on all its platforms. We are pushing them out of everywhere,” noted Olga Gerasymiuk.

She also added that Ukraine's representatives managed to get into all UNESCO working groups, including those still chaired by Russia.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 29/05/2024

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