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Moldova joins the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Sep 19, 2023

On September 19, Moldova joined the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as a participating state, a European solidarity initiative aimed at supporting countries in times of crisis and disaster.

This was reported by the EU Council after the relevant decision was made, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.


Moldova took advantage of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to cope with the large-scale displacement of Ukrainians caused by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Now that Moldova has officially joined the Mechanism, it will also be able to offer solidarity and assistance to other countries in need.

Civil protection covers preventive measures to reduce the impact of future emergencies or disasters, as well as assistance provided to the population after a natural or man-made disaster. The EU Civil Protection Mechanism coordinates this response at the EU level.

Author - Olena Madiak, 19/09/2023

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