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North Crimean canal near Dzhankoy began to dry up

Jul 21, 2023

After the Russians blew up the Kakhovskaya HPP dam on June 6, 2023, the North Crimean channel near the town of Dzhankoy began to shoal and dry up.


This became known to KrymSOS from anonymous sources.

In particular, we are talking about the floodplain of the North Crimean channel, which was previously called the "city beach" of Dzhankoy. Since 2014, there has been no water going there, but now it has gone completely shallow.

Also, a significant decrease in water can be seen in the canal at the exit from the city. Recently, the water in the canal reached the upper strip.

At the same time, according to KrymSOS, water in Dzhankoy is given without interruptions, but drinking water is purchased separately by the locals.

Recall, on the night of June 6, 2023, the Russians blew up the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant, which led to a large-scale man-made disaster. There was an artificial flood, which flooded more than 80 settlements in the south of Ukraine. People died, residential houses were destroyed. The flow of fresh water tore away thousands of tons of soil along with all representatives of flora and fauna living on this territory.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 21/07/2023

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