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Russian spy ship spotted off the coast of Germany

Jun 21, 2024

The Russian reconnaissance ship Vasily Tatishchev is in the Baltic Sea near the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.

This was reported by the local newspaper Kieler Nachrichten.

The Russian vessel is located on the Kiel-Baltic Sea route between the island of Femarn and the so-called Kiel lighthouse, which helps ships navigate the Kiel Canal - outside the territorial waters of Germany and Denmark.


According to Kieler Nachrichten, the Russian spy ship, based in Kaliningrad, has been spying on NATO units as part of the multinational BALTOPS exercise, which has been held in the Baltic Sea every year since 1971.

It is not known whether Vasily Tatishchev is capable of listening to NATO-related military communications in the location where it is located.

The German Federal Police stated that they can only take action when the ship enters the territory of Germany or Denmark, and so far no violations of navigation rules by the Russians have been detected.

Author - Olena Madiak, 21/06/2024

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