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Toretsk is planned to carry out forced evacuation

Jun 24, 2024

The authorities plan to evacuate from the city of Toretsk, Donetsk region. The reason is that Russian troops are very close to the city and it is constantly under fire.


About it reports RBC-Ukraine with reference to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadim Filashkin on the air of the telecast.

"There will now be evacuation in a very compulsory way from the city of Toretsk, because the enemy is very close to the city," Filashkin said.

According to him, from other cities of the region that are close to the front, evacuation continues.

"A very large number of people, on the example of Toretsk, leave for the day. There were about 6 thousand people in the day before, now - 5.5 thousand. Every day people from Toretsk are leaving," - said the head of the Regional Military Administration.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 25/06/2024

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