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Ukraine is preparing the second Peace Summit

Jun 14, 2024

Ukraine is already actively working on organizing the second Peace Summit, where it plans to present the results and roadmap formed during the inaugural event. This was announced by Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, Ihor Zhovkva, who did not rule out the possibility of Russia's involvement in the event "in certain formats."


According to him, a number of states have already expressed their readiness to host the next Peace Summit.

"At this Peace Summit, we will actually discuss the results of the first Summit and the results of the roadmap on how to talk about peace in Ukraine. We do not exclude this - if the countries that share the joint plan developed by Ukraine and its allies are ready to convey this to the aggressor country and it does not dictate its terms but listens to the community, we can also talk about certain formats of its participation," Zhovkva said on the air of "We Ukraine".

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 15/06/2024

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