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Water leakage from the fifth power unit at ZNPP

Nov 19, 2023

A leak of borated water from the coolant of the first circuit of the fifth power unit occurred at the Zaporizhzhya NPP temporarily occupied by Russians. No radioactivity was detected in the second cooling circuit where the leak occurred.


RBC-Ukraine reported this with reference to the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

According to the website, experts were informed that boron was found in the secondary cooling circuit of one of the steam generators of reactor unit 5, which is currently in a state of "hot shutdown".

"Borated water is used in the primary coolant to maintain nuclear safety," the statement said.

However, after the inspection, it turned out that the boron content in the second cooling circuit remained within normal limits, and no radioactivity was detected there. The Russians responded by deciding to continue to keep Unit 5 in a "hot shutdown" mode, which "will be reassessed after all boiler houses used for heating in the neighboring city of Energodar start operating."

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 19/11/2023

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