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Zelenskyy spoke at the Global Peace Summit

Jun 15, 2024

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that the participation of 101 countries in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland is a great victory. At the second Peace Summit, he hopes to record the real end of the war.


He said this in his speech on June 15.

He first thanked all the leaders and countries attending the summit.

"I am pleased to welcome everyone to the first Peace Summit, which can be the first step towards a just end to Russia's war against Ukraine. And when we fairly and honestly end this war for Ukraine on the basis of international law, then every state in the world will be able to count on the same justice and fairness and on the same effectiveness of the UN Charter in relation to their rights. Then these words will once again gain their full force," he said.

The President emphasized that Ukraine has the right to peace, just like all other states.

"We have to stop this war based on the UN charters, respect for international law, the fair interests of the Ukrainian people and the idea of the value of human life, not war," he added.

The President recalled the main topics to be discussed at the first Peace Summit:

  • Radiation and nuclear safety;
  • Food security;
  • Release of prisoners and deportees.

The President is hopeful that the second Peace Summit will record the real end of the war:

"There is no Russia here. Why? Because if it was interested in peace, there would be no war. We have to decide together what real peace means for the world and how it should be achieved in a truly lasting way. The UN Charter is our basis. And then, when the action plan is on the table, agreed by all, and transparent to the peoples, it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia so that at the second Peace Summit we can record the end of the war."

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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