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Analysts calculate how many missiles Ukraine can get

Jun 24, 2024

Ukraine has received an unexpected priority from the United States in the supply of missiles for the Patriot and AIM-120 AMRAAM systems, which is the main air-to-air missile for the F-16 and is used in the NASAMS air defense system.

The decision was announced by the White House Strategic Communications Coordinator for the National Security Council, John Kirby. This was later confirmed by Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder.

According to Defence-ua.com, this means that all contracts for the supply of these missiles with customers other than Taiwan are put on hold until October 1, 2025, which is about 16 months of priority receipt.


The publication noted that it is only about the production of missiles in the United States and only three types: GEM-T and MSE to Patiot and AIM-120. The publication's analysts calculated how many missiles Ukraine could receive. In particular, as of April, Raytheon announced the possibility of producing 20 GEM-T missiles per month, or 240 missiles per year. But with a further increase due to the capacities of the German-American company COMLOG, which will start operating in 2026, and a year later can increase production to 420 missiles per year.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 24/06/2024

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