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Before the war in Ukraine, there was aggression against Georgia

Jun 15, 2024

In her speech at the first Ukrainian Peace Summit, Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili expressed solidarity with Ukraine, which, like her country, has been subjected to Russian aggression and occupation.


In her speech at the conference, she emphasized that the Georgian people deeply understand the pain and suffering experienced by Ukrainians, as they have repeatedly faced similar trials.

"My country, Georgia, can only share the plight of the Ukrainian people, which we have experienced ourselves. Not once, but many times. Before the occupation of the territories of Ukraine, there was the occupation of the territories of Georgia," the leader noted.

She drew attention to the need for the aggressor country to realize its borders and respect its neighbors.

"This international community, the new security architecture, can exist only when large countries, the largest of the largest, recognize their neighbors, respect their neighbors and their territorial integrity," Zurabishvili emphasized.

The Georgian President also expressed concern about Russia's destabilizing actions in the Black Sea region, which instead of cooperation and interaction have brought only instability and confrontation. The militarization of the Black Sea and the Kremlin's plans to open a new naval base in the occupied territory of Abkhazia are alarming signals that require the attention of the international community.

Zurabishvili also recalled the experience of Georgia, which experienced the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster, and expressed concern about nuclear safety in the region.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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