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Brazier: EU should impose the same sanctions on Belarus as on Russia

Jun 21, 2024

Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže considers the adoption of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia by the European Union a success but calls for the same restrictions to be extended to Belarus as those imposed on Moscow.

She said this after a meeting of Latvian top officials on foreign policy on June 21, LSM.lv reports.

Braže said that the Latvian side plans to initiate a discussion on additional sanctions against Belarus.


"Specifically, those sanctions items in trade with Russia that are on the list - we want them to be applied to Belarus. Because we see from the statistics that groups of goods actually go through Belarus to Russia, because there is a customs union there," the Latvian Foreign Minister explained.

While the EU imposes sectoral sanctions against Belarus, banning the import or export of certain goods, the list is not as extensive as in the case of Russia.

Author - Olena Madiak, 21/06/2024

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