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Drones attacked Lukoil's oil depot and the Afip refinery in Russia

Jun 20, 2024

Unidentified drones attacked two important oil infrastructure facilities in the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation on the night of June 20.


According to Russian public and media reports, at around 2:30 am, drones struck the Afip oil refinery, located 20 km southwest of Krasnodar. According to preliminary reports, Russian forces tried to shoot down the drones, but the wreckage of one of the UAVs hit a tank, causing a fire at the plant.

Simultaneously with the attack on the Afip refinery, Ukrainian drones struck a LUKOIL-Yugnefteprodukt oil depot in the neighboring village of Enem, located in the Republic of Adygea. The ASTRA telegram channel published a video of the attack on the tank farm, filmed by local residents. The distance between the Afip oil refinery and the oil depot in Enem is less than six kilometers.

Locals reported four to five explosions heard in the area of the attacked facilities. There has been no official confirmation of the attacks from the Russian authorities.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 20/06/2024

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