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EU allocates €9 million to strengthen Moldova's air defense

Jun 13, 2024

On June 13, the Council of the European Union decided to allocate an additional nine million euros from the European Peace Fund to support the Armed Forces of Moldova to modernize its air defense system.

This is stated in the message of the EU Council.

The 9 million euros allocated by the Council of the European Union will be used to finance short-range air defense interceptors for the Moldovan Armed Forces.


This will complement the previous decision to allocate 41 million euros to modernize the defense capabilities of the Moldovan Armed Forces in the areas of mobility, air surveillance, electronic warfare, and logistics.

According to the EU Council, the new assistance will help Moldova to bring its defense capabilities closer to European standards and to participate in EU military missions and operations.

Author - Olena Madiak, 13/06/2024

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