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EU Council extends temporary protection for Ukrainians until March 2026

Jun 25, 2024

On Tuesday, June 25, the EU Council decided to extend temporary protection until March 4, 2026, for more than 4 million Ukrainians fleeing Russian aggression.

This was reported by Yevropeiska Pravda with reference to the press service of the EU Council.


The temporary protection mechanism was launched on March 4, 2022. The decision to extend it today does not change the decision of March 2022 on the categories of persons covered by temporary protection.

The Temporary Protection Directive grants Ukrainians the right to residence, access to the labor market, housing, social, medical and other assistance.

It also helps Member States to manage the arrival of people in an orderly and efficient manner.

"Day after day, Russia is terrorizing the Ukrainian people with its bombing. These are dangerous circumstances. Those who have fled Russian aggression can continue to count on our solidarity," said Nicole de Moer, Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, representing the country currently holding the EU Council Presidency.

Currently, almost 4.2 million people displaced from Ukraine are enjoying temporary protection in the EU, including one third of children.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 25/06/2024

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