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Five countries are ready to help Ukraine with Patriot systems

Jun 13, 2024

US President Joe Biden says he has secured the support of five allied countries to provide Ukraine with Patriot systems.


He made the announcement during a joint briefing with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"I have enlisted the support of five allied countries. Everything we have in terms of weapons and everything Ukraine needs will be provided," he said.

Zelenskyy added that Ukraine urgently requires seven Patriot systems.

"We discussed the possibility of getting five of them, it's true, and we are working on it. This does not mean that we will have them tomorrow, but we see good results for Ukraine in the near future," he explained.

The Ukrainian president emphasized that the agreement with the United States has good provisions on weapons:

"Specifically on the Patriot systems, on the supply of combat squadrons to Ukraine - I did not make a mistake, it is plural. Squadrons that include but are not limited to F-16s."

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 14/06/2024

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