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French far-right candidate for prime minister supports Ukraine

Jun 19, 2024

French far-right leader Jordan Bardella said he supports Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russian aggression, but if elected prime minister, he will not provide long-range missiles capable of reaching Russian territory.

He told reporters at an arms exhibition on Wednesday, June 19, Reuters reports.

"I want Ukraine to have the ammunition and equipment necessary to hold the front, but my red line will not change - it is sending equipment that could have escalating consequences in eastern Europe," he said.

"And that's why I don't plan to send long-range missiles or other weapons that would allow Ukraine to strike at Russian territory. My position has not changed and will not change - it is to support Ukraine and avoid all risks of escalation in the region. And I think that the risk of escalation certainly exists," the politician added.

Bardella's National Union (RN) party is currently leading in opinion polls ahead of the snap parliamentary elections to be held on June 30 and July 7. As the publication notes, this raises questions about the foreign policy implications if they win enough seats to form a government.

Emmanuel Macron would remain president and head of the French army even if the RN were to win, but the French constitution also gives the prime minister a role in defense, and the division of powers is not clearly defined.

Thus, Macron could lose control over the domestic agenda, including economic policy, security, immigration, and finance, which in turn would affect other issues such as aid to Ukraine, as he would then need the support of parliament to fund any support within the French annual budget.

Bardella also assured that he would honor France's commitments to its partners, including increasing defense spending.

"I do not plan to question the commitments made by France at the international level, because the credibility of our European partners, as well as our NATO allies, is at stake," he said, adding that he plans to continue efforts to rearm the country.

Earlier it was reported that Macron wants to allow Ukraine to launch strikes on Russian territory, emphasizing that the Russians attack Ukraine from bases located there.

Author - Ihor Lontkivskyi 19.06.24

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