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G7 countries demand that Russia compensate Ukraine for damages

Jun 14, 2024

Russia must stop its aggression and compensate Ukraine for the damage it has caused, according to a statement by G7 leaders following the summit in Italy, which was seen by ANSA.


According to the World Bank, the amount of damage caused to Ukraine exceeds 486 billion US dollars.

"Russia does not have the right to decide whether and when it will pay for the damage caused to Ukraine," the G7 statement reads.

The Group of Seven countries emphasize that under international law, Russia's obligations to pay for the damage it causes are clear.

"We therefore continue to consider all possible legal avenues through which Russia will be required to fulfill these obligations," the statement said.

On June 13, Bloomberg reported, citing sources, that the Group of Seven (G7) countries had agreed on how to provide Ukraine with a loan of about $50 billion using frozen Russian assets.

Author - Ihor Lontkivskyi 14.06.24

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