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G7 threatens Russia with consequences for using nuclear weapons

Jun 15, 2024

Russia faces serious consequences if it decides to use nuclear or chemical weapons.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the communiqué following the Group of Seven (G7) summit.

The G7 leaders expressed concern over the irresponsible nuclear rhetoric of the Russian Federation and the increasing reports of the occupiers' use of chemicals against Ukrainian soldiers.

"We reiterate that any use of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons by Russia would have serious consequences," the G7 said.

The G7 also expressed concern over the non-transparent and accelerated expansion of China's nuclear arsenal and the development of North Korea's and Iran's nuclear programs.

The leaders supported the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

"We call on Russia to continue to abide by the moratorium on nuclear tests and to renew its ratification of the Treaty. We also call on North Korea not to conduct any further nuclear tests and to sign and ratify the Treaty," the communiqué said.

Russia has been using chemical weapons for a long time. Where are the consequences?

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 15/06/2024

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