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German right-wing radicals plan to create a faction in the EP

Jun 22, 2024

The German nationalist and right-wing populist party "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) plans to create a faction in the European Parliament called "Sovereignists".


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Die Zeit and Der Spiegel.

Politsila plans to launch a new parliamentary group next week. The decision on this issue will be made on Tuesday, June 25, when AfD MEPs will gather for a delegation meeting.

An employee of the party in the European Parliament appealed to the administration of the parliament with a request to provide premises for 100 people and provide food for the holding of the "founding meeting of the new parliamentary group". The new faction will be called "Sovereignists".

The faction may include other right-wing parties, including right-wing extremist SOS Romania, SeAcabó La Fiesta from Spain, NIHK from Greece, Konfederacja Wolnosc i Niedpodleglosc from Poland, Hnutie Republika from Slovakia and Hungary's Hazank Mozgalom.

The new parliamentary group will be based on the so-called "Sofia Declaration" of the far-right Bulgarian party "Vazrazhdane". The document from April 2024 states that European civilization is "threatened by the aggression of globalist ideologies" and that the right of peoples to self-determination is "being replaced by the dictatorship of the bureaucracy". , that the bureaucracy of the EU should be stopped and freed from international corporations, and in a European war (Ukraine's war with Russia. - ed.) peace negotiations are needed.

At the same time, the new members of the European Parliament from the AfD fear that such a faction may cost the party the sympathy of the voters.

In May, the far-right Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament expelled AfD MPs after several scandals. Although the AfD subsequently expelled the notorious politician Maximilian Cra from its parliamentary delegation, the leader of the French far-right "National Union" Marine Le Pen and other ID representatives decided not to accept the AfD into their group just yet. In response, AfD co-chair Alisa Weidel announced that she would try to find new alliance partners in the European Parliament.

Meanwhile, the AfD is gaining new members. As the main studio of ARD learned from the party's leadership circles, there are currently about 48,000 party members. This number is expected to increase to 50,000 in the next two months.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/06/2024

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