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Immediate ceasefire will lead to new "frozen conflict" - Scholz

Jun 15, 2024

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that an immediate ceasefire without serious negotiations and without a roadmap to a just and lasting peace would lead to a new frozen conflict.


He said this during the first Global Peace Summit, which began on June 15 in Switzerland.

According to him, peace is more than the absence of war.

"How to end the Russian war against Ukraine and achieve a just and lasting peace? An immediate ceasefire without serious negotiations and without a roadmap to a just and lasting peace will simply legitimize Russia's seizure of Ukrainian land and lead to a new "frozen conflict," he said.

Scholz added that some say that any peace must take into account legitimate Russian security concerns.

"Let me remind you, before the invasion, both the EU and the US were ready to have security discussions that would have included different states. Negotiations could have increased the level of mutual trust, but we all know that it was Russia that chose war, not diplomacy and dialogue. Let me be clear - despite any security concerns, none of them can justify the invasion of a peaceful neighboring state," he said.

The German Chancellor emphasized that Ukraine is a victim of illegal aggression.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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