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It is time to introduce crippling sanctions against Russia

Jun 7, 2023

By blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, the Russian Federation has once again confirmed its terrorist nature, so it is time for the international community to impose new crippling sanctions against the aggressor.


According to an Ukrinform correspondent, this was stated by Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna, Yevhen Tsymbaliuk, at a special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council convened in connection with Russia's blowing up of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant.

The Ukrainian diplomat emphasized that Russia's blowing up of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions, in particular Article 56 of Additional Protocol I of 1977, which prohibits attacks on structures such as dams, dikes and nuclear power plants.

"In addition, the destruction of the dam is another piece of evidence that proves the genocidal war that Russia is waging against Ukraine. According to the UN Convention, genocide means "the deliberate creation of living conditions for a group of people which are calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part". This is what Russia has been doing before, destroying hospitals, schools, critical infrastructure, and residential buildings," said Tsymbalyuk.

The dam's explosion is also an act of ecocide, he said, adding that Ukraine has already launched a pre-trial investigation.

"We are grateful to all partners who have already offered help and assistance in overcoming the consequences of this Russian crime. We call on the OSCE to explore and use all available opportunities to facilitate these efforts," said the head of the Ukrainian mission to the OSCE.

In addition, Tsymbaliuk emphasized, the crime committed by Russia "confirms the high relevance of the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy." He called on international partners to join its implementation as soon as possible, in particular the points on combating ecocide, nuclear and energy security.

The Permanent Representative of Ukraine also emphasized that the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant is another argument in favor of recognizing Russia as a terrorist state. According to him, there have been "too many warnings about Russia's terrorist nature". One of them came from President Zelensky on October 20 last year, when he called on "all world leaders to make it clear to Russia that a terrorist attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant would be equivalent to the use of weapons of mass destruction" in his daily address. According to Tsymbalyuk, "Even then there was information about what the Russians were preparing at the Kakhovka HPP."

"According to our information, the units and the dam of the Kakhovka HPP were mined by Russian terrorists. So, it is time for new crippling sanctions against Russia, including its missile industry and nuclear power. The most dangerous terrorist in the world cannot be a member of respected international organizations, including the OSCE. This regime has long since become morally bankrupt to be trusted and talked to," emphasized the head of the Ukrainian mission to the OSCE.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 07/06/2023

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