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Lithuania will disconnect from the joint energy grid with Russia

Jun 15, 2023

On Thursday, the Lithuanian parliament adopted legislative amendments that legally establish an earlier deadline for synchronizing the national power system with the continental European one.

This is reported by Delfi.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Energy, which introduced the amendments, proposes to legislate synchronization in three stages: by 2024, to complete projects to improve the security of the power system, then to complete projects to improve system stability, and finally to complete projects to ensure market integration.


Thus, the amendments, which were supported by all 129 members of the Lithuanian Seimas present, create the legal prerequisites for Lithuania to disconnect from Russia's United Energy System (the so-called BRELL ring) as early as February 2024.

It is expected that they will become an additional argument for Lithuania to convince other Baltic countries, Latvia and Estonia, to synchronize with the European energy grid next year, rather than by the end of 2025.

Author - Olena Madiak, 15/06/2023

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