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Netherlands announces supply of 152-mm shells to Ukraine

Jun 13, 2024

Ukraine will receive 152 mm caliber shells worth more than 350 million euros, which will be allocated from the International Fund for Ukraine (IFU).

This was announced by the Dutch Ministry of Defense on June 13.

The Dutch defense ministry emphasized that the exact number of 152-mm shells and delivery time would not be disclosed for security reasons.

"But this is one of the largest orders for IFU from the international arms industry," they added.


The Dutch Ministry of Defense points out that in previous deliveries Ukraine has received mostly 155-mm howitzer shells, but it also has many 152-mm guns.

The International Fund for Ukraine is an additional funding mechanism for support to Ukraine, led by the British Ministry of Defense, which also includes Australia, Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania, and New Zealand.

Author - Olena Madiak, 13/06/2024

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