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Norway to provide Ukraine with grenade launcher shells

Jun 13, 2024

This was stated by Norwegian Defense Minister Bjørn Aril Gram, RBC-Ukraine reports citing NRK.


As he noted, Ukraine's need for ammunition is great and urgent, "the country has weapons, but lacks ammunition."

That is why Norway is donating ammunition for grenade launchers to Ukraine worth approximately NOK 480 million (about EUR 42 million - ed.).

"Ukraine has a great need for all kinds of ammunition, and they specifically requested what we are sending now," Gram said.

Norway has also recently donated hand grenades worth about NOK 50 million (EUR 4.7 million) and sniper ammunition worth NOK 3 million (EUR 260 thousand).

"There are great needs, and we are trying to survive in a difficult battle for Ukraine," the minister said.

The support is part of a broader international effort to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities.

"Russia is the main threat to Norwegian and European security. They attacked a peaceful neighboring country, it is clear that Ukraine is fighting for independence for its own existence, but it is also a defense for Europe to prevent Russian aggression from winning on its own territories," Gram added.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 13/06/2024

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