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Poland is considering the option of closing its border with Belarus

Jun 22, 2024

Recently, tension has been increasing on the Polish-Belarusian border due to migrants. Warsaw is considering the possibility of closing all checkpoints.


As RBC-Ukraine reports, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslav Sikorsky, stated this on TVN24.

"Now we are studying what consequences this will have for our economy and local communities," said Sikorskyi.

He noted that now Poland, like a few years ago, is suffering from an influx of migrants. They are trying to get to the European Union from the territory of Belarus. The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry believes that this is happening under the control of the Belarusian and Russian services.

"It is particularly shocking that the officials of the Belarusian state instruct these people on how to beat Polish soldiers and Polish border guards, even when our guys are wearing bulletproof vests. This is completely unacceptable," the minister said.

Sikorsky said that the final decision on closing the checkpoints will be made after analyzing its consequences.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/06/2024

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