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Poland wants to block the EU's plan to forcefully distribute migrants

Jun 29, 2023

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki has announced his intention to vote against the mechanism of forced distribution of migrants, although this decision does not require unanimity.

RMF24, which quotes the prime minister, notes that Poland is "vetoing" the EU's decision on the distribution, but in fact, it does not require unanimity and can be adopted despite the resistance of the Poles.

According to Morawiecki, the EU is attempting to introduce a forced distribution of migrants "through the back door, contrary to the treaties, under the threat of financial sanctions." He added that the government will not agree to "any experiments and any coercion."

According to him, Russia's invasion of Ukraine showed what hybrid warfare is, and emphasized that Belarus is part of Russia's plan to attack Europe.

Morawiecki emphasized that the opening of borders, the inability to effectively protect them, putting Europeans at risk, is a strategic mistake that threatens the survival of the European Union.


He added that not everyone understands this and not everyone realizes the scale of this threat, and some leaders turn a blind eye to the threat that arises on the borders and streets of Europe. That is why, he continued, he will propose a plan for secure borders at the European Council.

"This plan is clear. No to the forced resettlement of migrants. No to the violation of the veto by individual states and no to the violation of the principle of freedom, the principles of decision-making by states alone. No to Brussels imposing sanctions on member states," Morawiecki said.

According to him, "the Poles will not repent for the sins of colonialism of the former empires".

"Supporting a citizen of Ukraine with a few tens of euros and threatening a fine of more than 20 thousand euros for refusing to accept an emigrant from the Middle East or Africa is blatant discrimination, to put it bluntly," he emphasized.

Author - Olena Madiak, 29/06/2023

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