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Romania decides not to allow Russians to attend the OSCE PA session

Jun 15, 2024

The Romanian authorities have decided not to issue visas to members of the delegations of Russia and Belarus to participate in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly session. This is reported by the local edition news.ro.


Romanian Foreign Ministry spokesman Radu Filip explained that the decision is based on Romania's consistent position on Russia in the context of the war that the aggressor country is waging against Ukraine.

"The Romanian authorities have decided to prevent the participation of the Russian Federation delegation in the annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which is taking place in Romania from June 29 to July 3," the media quoted the minister as saying.

The ban on entry to the OSCE PA session applies to all members of the Russian and Belarusian delegations, including parliamentarians and technical staff. Thus, Romania blocks any possibility for representatives of these countries to participate in an important international event on its territory.

As a reminder, in February, OSCE participating states activated the Moscow Mechanism on the initiative of Ukraine regarding Ukrainian civilian hostages held by Russia. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the activation of this mechanism will allow it to investigate the crime of the Russian Federation, establish specific facts and the true extent of the abduction of Ukrainian civilians by the aggressor state.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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