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Romania to pay for the training of Ukrainian pilots on the F-16

Jun 13, 2024

Romania will cover the costs of training Ukrainian pilots on Western F-16 aircraft at the Fetesti air base from the state budget. The training will be financed through the Ministry of National Defense (MApN).


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Profit.ro.

The Romanian publication received the relevant draft resolution of the emergency order.

"The expenses (...) are intended to pay for contracts necessary for the training of Ukrainian personnel, as well as for accommodation, food, transportation, fuel consumed during the training, the provision of special equipment, and other related goods and services," the document says.

At the same time, the resolution does not provide an estimate of the cost of training. It only states that no funds are needed in addition to those already approved for MApN through the budget.

Last fall, the Romanian government introduced several exceptions to the Law on Public Finance and the Law on Fiscal Responsibility in the so-called “austerity decree” to allow the ministry, among other things, to "provide a framework for the organization and functioning of a pilot training institution for the operation of the F-16 (...)."

The document also states that given the “sensitive nature” of the works and services to be contracted, as well as the “confidential nature” of the activities aimed at training Ukrainian personnel, the legislation governing public procurement "cannot be applied".

"Given the urgency of this activity, the application of the legislation governing public procurement may lead to the impossibility of training Ukrainian personnel due to the timeframe regulated by law and the possibility of appealing procurement procedures," the media quoted the explanatory note to the project.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 14/06/2024

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