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Russia has problems supplying drones due to China's restrictions

Sep 19, 2023

Restrictions on the export of drones imposed by the Chinese authorities have seriously complicated their supply to Russia and led to a shortage of a number of components. This was reported on September 18 by the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

"Restrictions on the export of drones imposed by the Chinese authorities have seriously complicated their supply to Russia and led to a shortage of a number of components, such as thermal imagers," the article says.

It is noted that major Russian drone manufacturers have managed to build up substantial stocks and hope that their suppliers in China will be able to obtain export licenses to Russia, but the process can take up to a year.

To do this, it is necessary to prove that the drone will not be used for military purposes. Sellers of Chinese drones in the Russian Federation are trying to establish "parallel imports. Some have begun to complain that Kazakhstan has recently tightened the procedure for importing drones.

The restrictions on drone exports imposed by China on September 1 led to a halt in the supply of components and drones weighing more than 4 kg. There is already a shortage of certain types, including agrodrones, which weigh an average of 30-40 kg and are still produced in Russia in single copies.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 19/09/2023

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