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Russia is trying to disrupt the second Peace Summit

Jun 24, 2024

Russia continues to spread the topic of the illegitimacy of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as it aims to disrupt the second Peace Summit.


This was stated by Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. RBC-Ukraine reports with reference to Freedom.

"In the USA and Europe, the emphasis is on the topic of the so-called illegitimacy of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Russians are now massively trying to promote this topic solely in order to disrupt the preparations for the second Peace Summit. The bet is, of course, not on the Western audience, but on the global South — The Middle East, Asia, Africa are a little less," said Kovalenko.

He noted that in the Middle East and Asia, Russia is promoting China's "peaceful" plan through its resources.

"It consists in ceasing fire and sitting down at the negotiating table right now, without withdrawing Russian troops from the occupied territories. Now Russia, through its resources, in particular in China, even certain speakers are speaking on television, and in Asian countries, they are promoting this Chinese plan. They are also promoting the story of the alleged illegitimacy of the President of Ukraine, saying that there is no need to go to the second summit because the government is illegitimate. They said it is necessary to speak in a different format," said the head of the NSDC.

In addition, the Russian foreign intelligence service takes part in the dissemination of such information. It is working to reduce the presence of African countries at the second Peace Summit and not allow the same number of states as at the first meeting.

"Russia's task is to prevent the number of countries from being the same as at the first World Summit, when there were more than 90 countries and eight international organizations. Russia wants to do everything so that this summit simply does not take place, because one way or another, the condition now stands, for them to be present there, and we present them with an ultimatum of certain actions with the support of international partners," Kovalenko summarized.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 24/06/2024

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