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Russia is trying to distract the world from the Global Peace Summit

Jun 15, 2024

The Russian Federation is trying to divert the attention of other states from the Global Peace Summit, which will begin on June 15 in Switzerland, by convening a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.


This was stated by Robert Wood, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, RBC-Ukraine reports citing the broadcast of the meeting.

According to the American diplomat, such intentions of the Kremlin can explain the convening of the UN Security Council by the aggressor country on June 14, just before the peace summit on Ukraine.

Wood called it a "transparent attempt" on the part of Russia not only to "distract" the world, but also an attempt to shift the blame for the war and "what is happening in Ukraine to anyone but itself."

The US representative to the UN also noted that Moscow wants the world community to believe that peace is allegedly being hampered by the fact that Ukraine is defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity from Russia's large-scale military aggression.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 15/06/2024

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