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Russian attack damages 12 buildings at Ivano-Frankivsk University

Jun 22, 2024

At the Ivano-Frankivsk University of Oil and Gas, as a result of a rocket attack, 12 buildings were damaged, and one of them was partially destroyed. This was announced by the rector of the university, Ihor Chudyk.


In the Ivano-Frankivsk University of Oil and Gas, as a result of the rocket attack, one building was also half-destroyed.

"We received quite serious destruction in one of the buildings of the university. According to a visual assessment, this is about 50% of its destruction, that is, the roof and one corner of the room were completely destroyed. All the windows and the internal filling, which is the laboratory and educational base, were completely destroyed. At least 12 buildings of the university were also damaged, they have broken windows and doors. These are about 150 windows, 100 internal doors, and 25 entrance doors," he said.

He added that there are already doubts about the further operation of one of the buildings of the university, where cracks and damage to the frame of the building have been noticed.

Also, the university library was left without windows, and the Siemens laboratory was seriously damaged.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/06/2024

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