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Slovenia and Ukraine will sign a security agreement next week

Jun 23, 2024

Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar will go to Kyiv next week for the signing ceremony of a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine.


She stated this in a comment for RTV SLO.

"It's about making such an agreement that we will help Ukraine as much as it will be needed," the president said.

According to her, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs developed the text of the agreement, which, although it is not a binding international agreement, reflects the political will to support Ukraine in the long term. The governments are scheduled to discuss the deal next week.

Nine NATO member countries have already concluded similar agreements with Ukraine.

Pirc Musar emphasized that Ukraine is a defender of international law, and recently Slovenia decided to allocate up to 5 million euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as well as send armored vehicles and other weapons. Slovenia also joined the Czech Republic's initiative to purchase large-caliber ammunition for Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited Natasha Pirts Musar to visit Ukraine on a state visit.

"Recently, at the Peace Summit in Switzerland, the president emphasized that only Kyiv can decide which peace agreement and which content is acceptable for the country. She is convinced that the conference is part of a longer process, which Russia will definitely be a part of," the message reads.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 24/06/2024

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