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Slovenia hands over dozens of military equipment to Ukraine

Jun 13, 2024

As part of its defense assistance, Slovenia has handed over 26 armored fighting vehicles (AFVs), 3 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and a new batch of drones to Ukraine.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to 24UR.

According to the Slovenian publication, during the pause in the provision of support packages to Ukraine from the United States due to the discussion of bills in the Senate, and against the background of "shell hunger" in the Armed Forces, "Slovenia did not hesitate."

Thus, 24UR writes, their editorial board learned “unofficially” that during this time the country sent 26 armored personnel carriers, 3 infantry fighting vehicles, and a new batch of UAVs to Ukraine.

"According to our information, Slovenian tanks M-55S, armored amphibious vehicles BVP M80A, Humvee, and anti-aircraft guns Zastava M55 made in Yugoslavia are also equipped with “new” armored vehicles and drones," the publication says.

It is also reported that up to 35 drones have already been delivered to the Ukrainian side, as well as a new batch of drones. In addition, Slovakia sent 20 BOVs of 12.7 millimeter caliber, 6 BOVs of 3x20 millimeters, and an additional 3 AFVs.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 14/06/2024

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