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Some people in Russia want to fight Ukraine harder.

Jun 23, 2024

There are forces in Russia that favor a tougher approach to the war against Ukraine. In particular, the nationalist movement "Brotherhood of Academicians" of the owner of the TV channel "Tsargrad" Konstantin Malofeev.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the publication of British intelligence on the social network Kh.

"This organization (Malofeeva - ed.) has branches in various Russian universities and adheres to a militantly imperialist worldview. The "Brotherhood" believes that the 21st century can become the golden age of Russian culture with Russia's ideological dominance on a global scale," British intelligence said.

According to British intelligence, the "Brotherhood" organized its own military training and already some members of the organization went to fight against Ukraine.

"The existence of this movement suggests that there are constituencies in Russia that support a more militant approach to the war in Ukraine and in the West. This is likely to have an impact on the generational change that is likely to occur among Russian administrative elites for the rest of this decade." - noted in the intelligence.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/06/2024

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