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Speaker Johnson promises to bring aid to Ukraine to a vote “in time”

Feb 28, 2024

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson said he would put the extension of aid to Ukraine to a vote "in a timely manner" and named the border with Mexico as a top priority.

This is reported with reference to his statement after a meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House.


Speaking to the media, Johnson said that during the talks, he said that the "needs of America" should be taken care of first and foremost.

"And first and foremost, our open border," he said.

The House Speaker noted that another priority for them is to continue funding the federal government, and the participants of the meeting are "very optimistic" and hope for a deal.

Regarding assistance to Ukraine, the speaker emphasized that he told Biden that the House was "actively exploring all possible options".

"We will take up this issue in a timely manner. But, again, the first priority for our country is the border and its security," the politician summarized.

As reported yesterday, Johnson promised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to do "everything possible" to continue to help Ukraine.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 28/02/2024

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