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The EU reminds Russia of its promise not to use nuclear weapons

May 17, 2024

The European Union has called on Russia to fulfill its January 2022 international commitment not to use nuclear weapons or start a nuclear war against any country in the world.


RBC-Ukraine reports this with reference to the EU's statement on the ongoing aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

The statement, announced during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday, May 16, notes that last week Russia announced plans for non-strategic nuclear weapons exercises with the Republic of Belarus. This is called the “latest example” in a long line of irresponsible nuclear rhetoric that underscores the Kremlin's consistent undermining of international peace and security, which the OSCE Permanent Council “strongly condemned.”

“We strongly urge Russia to adhere in word and deed to the January 2022 Joint Statement by the leaders of the five nuclear-armed states on the prevention of nuclear war and the avoidance of an arms race, which affirms that ‘nuclear war cannot be won and should never be waged’. Both Russia and Belarus must abide by their international obligations and commitments,” the EU statement said.

In addition, the EU reaffirmed its “unwavering support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.”

Brussels is determined “to continue to provide Ukraine and its people with all the necessary political, financial, economic, humanitarian, legal, military, and diplomatic support for as long as necessary and as intensively as required.”

This promise was made given the urgent need to accelerate and intensify the provision of all necessary military assistance to Ukraine in its legitimate self-defense against the Russian aggressor.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 17/05/2024

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