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The EU wants to return duties on eggs and sugar from Ukraine

Jun 19, 2024

The European Commission is considering options for reimposing restrictions on imports of eggs and sugar from Ukraine.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Euronews.

According to the publication, egg imports from Ukraine have reached a level at which the European Commission will be forced to resume duties within the next two weeks. In addition, according to trade experts, sugar imports are also under close scrutiny by the EU executive.

The EU Association representing European sugar consumers in the food and beverage sector (CIUS) expresses concern about possible restrictions on imports from Ukraine. They fear that in the coming years, the volume of sugar will be insufficient to meet the demand of the European market.

We are at war against Russia - and you give sanctions to us, Ukraine. Where is the logic?

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 20/06/2024

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